The Great Yanni
“Can’t repeat the past? … Why of course you can!”
"Yanni believed in the Brown Jacket, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded him then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow his RBs will run faster, his WRs will stretch out our their arms farther. . . . So he beats on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
These words conclude the significance of the past to dreams of the future. The struggles of fantasy owners to achieve their goals by both transcending and re-creating the past. Yanni was a Roddy White Monday Night Football game away from wearing a Brown Jacket. It was cruelly snatched away like Gatsby's fading Green Light. And also like Gatsby, it has been a deathly struggle ever since. Things have gotten so bad for Yanni's teams in recent seasons that some Owners claim Yanni to be one of the worst fantasy players in the league, worse than even Tony.
I don't believe this to be the case. Nobody can be worse than Tony. If Yanni could have gotten there once, he can do it again. But we have to make one thing clear, if he does win the Brown Jacket, his girlfriend doesn't get one as well. I know how much they like to dress up in the same clothes these days.