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2024: Birdman, Jimmy, Jesse, Sqwid

2023: Del, Keith, Brittany, Stutz, Tyler L.

2022: Tony, Keith, Stutz, Jordan, Ana

2021: Stinky, Randy, Jordan, Brittany

2020: Steamer, Mark, John Barbara, Jamie
2019: Jeff, Buch, Arch, Suzanne, Ruxandra
2018: Sean, Birdman, Giorgio, Warren, Gwil

2017: No Winner

2016: Tony, Grant, Jeremy, Yanni, Mikey V.

2015: Sean, Adam, Jesse, Warren, Gwil

2014: Sean, Travis, Warren , Gwil

2013: Stinky, Grant, Warren, Bo

2012: No Winner

2011: Billy, Birdman, Jesse

2010: Jeff, Tony, Birdman

2009: Sean, Wheeler, Cuff, Donny T.

2008: Del, Parker, Cuff, Brittany, Mikey V.

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Sire League

2021:  Nate Rinehart

2020:  Tony Alessi
2019:  Tony Alessi

2018:  Del Brown

2017:  Jeff Brown
2016:  John Kapostasy

2015:  John Kapostasy

2014:  John Kapostasy

2013:  Sean Brown

2012:  Del Brown



2023: Randy Evans & Bo Crawford

2022:  Del Brown & Yanni Kalouris

2021:  Grant Birchmeier & Tyler Ford

2020:  Del Brown & Sean Brown

2019:  Jaren Stutzman & Grant Birchmeier

2018:  Jesse Wohl & Gwil Stumpp
2017:  Tony Alessi & Katie Worstell

2016:  Tony Alessi & Justin Bohnlein

2015:  Del Brown & Sean Brown

2014:  Randy Evans & Parker Fulton

2013:  Jeremy Widman & Jaren Stutzman

2012:  No Event

2011:  John Kapostasy & Tyler Birchmeier

2010:  Yanni Kalouris & Austin Schey

2009:  Parker Fulton & Tyler Birchmeier

2008:  Del Brown & Sean Brown

2007:  Del Brown & Bo Crawford

2006:  Nick Wolf & Randy Evans

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Giorgio Cup

2024:  Jeff Brown

2023:  Sean Brown
2022:  Sean Brown
2021:  Jeff Brown

2020:  Sean Brown

2019:  Jeff Brown

2018:  Tony Alessi

2017:  Andrew Brown
2016:  Randy Evans

2015:  Bo Crawford

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2024:  Sean Brown

2023:  Giorgio Carotti
2022:  Del Brown
2021:  Gwil Stumpp

2020:  Justin Bohnlein

2019:  Keith Wolf

2018:  Jeremy Widman

2017:  Tyler Birchmeier

2016:  Andrew Brown

2015:  Jesse Wohl

2014:  Sean Brown

2013:  John Kapostasy

2012:  Del Brown

2011:  Stinky Drake

2010:  Parker Fulton

2009:  Bo Crawford

2008:  Del Brown

2007:  Tyler Birchmeier

2006:  Justin Bohnlein


The Delsters

2024:  Randy Evans

2023:  Tyler Birchmeier
2022:  Tony Alessi

2021:  Gwil Stumpp

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19th Season



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